Saturday, May 27, 2017

final final meeting with my Constitutional Law class at SEEU

We met one very last time - for me to return the final exams and papers and the Final Course Grade Sheets to all the students in the class.

Since this was not our normal meeting time, we were not sure of classroom availability. So we met in the cafe on campus.  I returned all of the materials, and then we went next door to Austrian Palace for macchiatos.

To my surprise, I was presented with lovely gifts and a very special Thank You card.

Constitutional Law is a challenging course for my upper level (usually 4th year) students at USFSP. My SEEU students were in their first year --  and taking the course in a foreign language. So the work was even more challenging.  I congratulate these students for sticking with it - for working  hard - and for challenging themselves to improve their English (in writing and in oral advocacy) and to learn more about the rule of law and constitutionalism. 

I hope you will look back on this semester with great pride.  It has certainly been a pleasure working with all of you -- and I look forward to keeping in touch via our facebook group.  This is still not "Mirupafshim"!


Thank you for your Thank you! You have truly touched my heart with your kind words

Wow!! This is *perfect*  THANKS so much!

that's our Constitutional Law casebook facing out (with the yellow spine)

distributed the papers here, in the cafe on campus
the faces of the future of Macedonia -- bright!

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