Saturday, April 1, 2017

Skopje: Our first weekend in Skopje, January 28-29, 2017

We are doing things faster than I can blog about them. And there are many posts trapped in my "drafts" folder. This was one of them. Here are a few pics from around Skopje on our first weekend here.  (I think anything related to our travel to Skopje and our first week here is still in draft folder...)

Here are some pics from our first weekend, as we were out and about in Skopje trying to take care of errands, the most important of which were:

We were on a mission to find a local Macedonian phone. Thanks to our friend Aneta for helping us sort out all of the issues with phones/plans at the shop at Ramstore Mall.

And we were on a mission to get the pictures for our legina carta (Macedonian ID card). We brought an extra set of passport pictures from home for this purpose, but the legina carta photos are a different size. As it turned out, we even needed to get the photos made a 2nd time here, as the first set was the wrong size. The pics for the ID card are maybe the size of a thumbnail. (A child's thumbnail) We thought there was a place at GTC mall where we could get the pictures taken, but nearly everything there was closed on a Sunday.  A call to our friend Aneta, and she helped us find a different place near our apartment where we could get the pictures.  A Vero about a mile from our apartment.  This is a bigger Vero than the one that is only a few blocks from our apartment - plus there is a cafe, a florist, a bank, photo store and a few other stores.  (So we also picked up Skopje postcards at the newsstand, and a macchiato and some pastries at the cafe -- as we were waiting for the pictures to develop)

Now this all seems like ancient history, but I thought I would liberate this post from that drafts folder.  (We finally visited the Skopje City Museum yesterday - which made me remember that I had taken pictures of it in the snow. And realized that I had never posted those pics here)

this was a train station - now it is a museum. you can see the clock has frozen in time the hour the devastating earthquake hit in July 1963
the Memorial House of Mother Teresa  
here is the post from when we went to visit the Museum:

outside the GTC mall

nearly everything was closed at the GTC mall that Sunday. it was so cold outside- we were happy this bakery was open so we could sit down and rest for a few minutes before heading out again to find a place where we could get our legina carta pics taken on a Sunday

having fun at the DM - a German version of Walgreens or CVS

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