Monday, September 28, 2020

USF St. Petersburg Constitution Day - Presidential Pardons -- with SEEU Law Professor Shasivari -- on SEEU facebook page

SEEU featured our USF St. Petersburg Constitution Day Event with Prof. Shasivari -- Presidential Pardons -- on its facebook page.

Here is the text, and the accompanying pictures:


Profesori Shasivari me ligjëratë kushtetuese para studentëve të Universitetit South Florida st. Petersburg (SHBA)

Për të shënuar 17-të shtatorin si datë e përvjetorit të Kushtetutës së SHBA-ve, në kuadër të bashkëpunimit të përbashkët: “Constitution Day 2020-Presidential Pardons/Dita e Kushtetutës 2020-Faljet Presidenciale”, midis Universitetit South Florida st. Petersburg (SHBA) dhe UEJL-së-Fakulteti i Drejtësisë, profesori Jeton Shasivari realizoi ligjëratën kushtetuese online me temën: “Fuqia për të falur e Kryetarit të Maqedonisë së Veriut si një e drejtë kushtetuese e (pa) kufizuar”, para 40-të studentëve të pranishëm nën moderimin e profesoreshës amerikane të së drejtës kushtetuese prof. Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan.
Ligjërata e prof. Shasivari zgjoi interesim të lartë te studentët amerikanë përmes shumë pyetjeve që u shtruan, sepse trajtoi aspektet kushtetuese dhe ligjore të faljeve presidenciale në Maqedoni të Veriut, me fokus në jurisprudencën e Gjykatës Kushtetuese si dhe pasojat e mundshme ndërkombëtare juridike të faljeve presidenciale të v. 2016 para Gjykatës Evropiane për të drejtat e njeriut në Strasburg.
Професорот Шасивари со уставно предавање пред студентите на Универзитетот во Јужна Флорида ст. Петерсбург (САД)
За да се одбележи 17-ти септември како датум на годишнината на Уставот на САД, во рамките на заедничката соработка: “Constitution Day 2020-Presidential Pardons/Ден на Уставот 2020-Претседателски помилувања“, помеѓу Универзитетот во Јужна Флорида ст. Петерсбург (САД) и УЈИЕ-Правен факултет, професорот Јетон Шасивари одржа онлајн-уставно предавање на тема “Моќта за помилување на Претседателот на Северна Македонија како (не) ограничено уставно право“, пред 40 присутни студенти под модерација на американската професорка по уставно право, проф. Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan.
Предавањето на проф. Шасивари предизвика голем интерес кај американските студенти преку многуте прашања што беа поставени затоа што тој се осврна на уставните и законските аспекти на претседателските помилувања во Северна Македонија, со фокус врз јуриспруденцијата на Уставниот суд како и можните меѓународни правни последици од претседателските помилувања од 2016 година пред Европскиот суд за човекови права во Стразбур.
Professor Shasivari with constitutional lecture in front of the students of University of South Florida st. Petersburg (USA)
To mark September 17 as the anniversary date of the U.S. Constitution, in the framework of the joint collaboration: "Constitution Day 2020-Presidential Pardons", between the University of South Florida st. Petersburg (USA) and SEEU-Faculty of Law, professor Jeton Shasivari delivered an online constitutional lecture on: "The Pardon Power of the President of North Macedonia as an (Un) Restricted Constitutional Right", before the 40 students present under the moderation of American constitutional law professor Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan.
Lecture by prof. Shasivari aroused great interest among American students through the many questions that were asked because he addressed the constitutional and legal aspects of presidential pardons in North Macedonia, with a focus on the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court as well as the possible international legal consequences of presidential pardons of 2016 before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.


Constitution Day event at USF St. Petersburg Campus -- Professor Shasivari -- featured on SEEU website

South East European University (SEEU) shared the news of Professor Shasivari's keynote address for USF St. Petersburg's Constitution Day event about presidential pardons:

Professor Shasivari with lecture on constitutional law in front of students of the University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USA)

Within the collaboration framework of the between the University of South Florida St. Petersburg USA and SEEU-Faculty of Law, on the occasion of marking 17th September - the Anniversary of the US Constitution, Prof. Jeton Shasivari, in front of 40 students, gave an online lecture on the topic “The Pardon Power of the President of North Macedonia as a (Un) Restricted Constitutional Right”.

The lecture was moderated by the American professor of constitutional law, Prof. Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan, while American students asked many questions, which proves that their interest in the lecture was very high.

Prof. Shasivari addressed constitutional and legal aspects of the presidential pardon in North Macedonia, focusing on the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, as well as the possible international legal consequences of the 2016 Presidential Pardon before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Constitution Day Event -- Featuring Keynote Speaker SEEU Law Professor Jeton SHASIVARI

For our 2020 Constitution Day celebration, we were honored to have as our Keynote Speaker SEEU Law Professor Dr. Jeton SHASIVARI.

After resolving a technical glitch when getting started, our US Constitutional Law students and guests had the privilege of learning more about the presidential pardon power in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Professor Shasivari explained the constitutional and legal basis for the presidential pardon power: Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia, the  specialized Law on Pardoning in 1993 with amendments in 2009 and 2016, and the relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court in 2016.  We also learned more about the controversial pardons of April 2016 when the President of the Republic of Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov issued 41 pardons (involving 56 people) in one day, that were followed by mass protests.

After the presentation, we had an engaging discussion, comparing and contrasting the presidential pardon power in the US and North Macedonia.

In advance of the presentation, the US students read Professor Besa Arifi's article in the SEEU Law Review:

The President's Right to Issue Prdons article by Prof. Besa Arifi

And students familiarized themselves with the history of presidential pardons in the US.  Article II, Section 2, cl. 1 gives the US President the power to pardon federal offenses. (And see Hamilton's Federalist #74 for further explanation of the Framers' justification for the pardon power.)

For more, see




Thursday, September 17, 2020

Constitution Day 2020 -- SEEU - USF -- Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr. Jeton Shasivari -- Presidential Pardons

We are looking forward to observing 2020 US Constitution Day (#233!) with Professor Dr. Jeton Shasivari of the Law Faculty of SEEU

The topic will be "The Pardon Power of the President of North Macedonia, as an (un)limited Constitutional Right"

and will compare to the US context with my students in US Constitutional Law


For more about SEEU

For the full text of the US Constitution

Monday, September 14, 2020

2019 Annual Report Fulbright Association -- Mid-Florida Chapter!

Today I received the Fulbright Association 2019 Annual Report in the mail.

Wonderful to read about all of the ways that Fulbrighters are staying involved and connected.  

It also brought back fond memories of the Fulbright Association Annual meeting, which I attended in the Fall of 2019 (See, for example

Also pictured were our participation in Lobby Days on Capitol Hill: 

with President of the Mid-Florida Chapter, Amela Malkic, President of the North Florida Fulbright Association Latika Young, the Director of the US-Mexico Fulbright Commission Hazel Blackmore in Rep Lois Frankel's office -- and Rep. Frankel is the artist! and painted to beautiful pictures behind us

And Congressman John Lewis!

 For more about the Fulbright Association, see

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Michigan Proclaims Macedonian American Day: September 8, 2020

Congratulations to the Republic of North Macedonia on its 29th Anniversary of Independence. 

Wishing I was there to toast to our friends with a nice glass of vranec -- or rakija!

Also, congrats to the diaspora in Michigan - on this proclamation of Macedonian American Day by Governor Whitman.

From the United Macedonian Diaspora Website:

See the full story on this link:

Michigan Governor Proclaims September 8th as Macedonian American Day

Michigan Governor Proclaims September 8th as Macedonian American Day

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed today September 8th as Macedonian American Day in the State of Michigan
“This recognition shows our Macedonian community is strong within Michigan. Our hard work, passion, and dedication exemplifies commitment for the betterment of the Macedonian community,” said UMD Michigan Chair Deana Janceski.